So, what is a bundler? A bundler is a tool that brings all your code organized into multiple files, together (bundled up!), ready to be loaded into...
Polyfills A polyfill is a piece of code, in JavaScript that is used to provide some functionality in a browser, that does not natively support it....
CSS In JS is a practice that allows one to write CSS properties for components in JavaScript. In Runtime CSS In JS, the styles are interpreted and...
Micro Frontends extend the concept of Microservices to the frontend world. Just like each Microservice can be an independent world of its own where it...
A few years ago, an issue came up on a popular social network website rendering it unresponsive on long scrolls or making the process unbearably slow....
Understanding the fundamentals - one console.log at a time 😁 · Scope The concept of scope specifies "where to look" for values of the identifiers in a...